These men and women who are firefighters are united together by a brotherhood and sisterhood. They become a family away from their family. When one member of the family dies, all members of the fire service feel the pain, anguish, and grief. On the average, approximately 100 firefighters die each year in the U.S. battling what many of them call the "DRAGON". Firefighters have a special dedication to their job and their fellow man. They unwillingly put their lives at risk to save the life of someone unknown to them. They train physically, mentally and emotionally to be able to perform their duties to the best ability that they can. To paraphrase John 15:13, "No greater love has a man than he would lay down his life for his fellow man". This is a good definition of a firefighter. This describes the emotional intensity, love, and unswerving dedication of the men and women of the fire service.  A FIREMAN'S DREAM... A SAFE HOME FOR EVERY PARENT AND CHILD, A SAFE HOUSE TO SLEEP WITHOUT FRIGHT. A HOUSEHOLD THAT KNOWS WHAT TO DO, SHOULD A FIRE BREAK OUT IN THE NIGHT. A MEETING PLACE, AN ESCAPE PLAN, ALL PRACTICED SO EVERYONE KNOWS, HOW RELENTLESS THIS FIRE DRAGON IS, FOR HE FELLS ALL THOSE WHO ARE SLOW. ALL FUELS SAFELY STORED, MATCHES PUT AWAY, NO OTHER HAZARDS WITHIN LITTLE HANDS REACH. A SMOKE DETECTOR, AN EXTINGUISHER, FIRE PREVENTION IS WHAT ALL PARENTS PREACH. LIFE IS SO VERY PRECIOUS, WHETHER YOU ARE YOUNG OR OLD, LET US ALL TAKE TIME TO LOOK AROUND, TO SEE WHAT HAZARDS OUR HOMES NOW HOLD. REALIZE IT ONLY TAKES A SECOND, FOR A SPARK TO TURN TO FLAME. A FEW MINUTES LATER, ALL IS ENGULFED, THIS FIERY DRAGON SHOWS NO SHAME. SO LET US GATHER ALL OUR RESOURCES, WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM. LET US ALL DEFEAT THIS SHAMELESS BEAST, THIS IS A FIREMAN'S DREAM... Dedicated to all FIREMEN - both past and present...for the many sacrifices made.